Friday, February 7, 2020

Collaboration Workshop - Elim Village (Surrey) - 2 CSNM CE points

Just a friendly invitation to the DC Gerontology Network Spring workshop on April 24th at the beautiful Elim Village Oasis Room in Surrey, BC. We, as an organizing team from across BC, are excited about the theme of collaboration and connection – everything from professional updates from DC, College, CFG, effective care plans, changing face of Seniors dining, SPARK sessions, and a lot of networking together & with vendors.

For the full program see the link:  2nd Annual Provincial - DC Geronotlogy Network Workshop 

Last year we has a ton of fun learning together, and connecting with fellow Dietitians/Food Managers who love seniors care. Working in Food Services in Residential Care can be isolating at times, so our hope is to connect with fellow professionals across BC on a yearly basis, and support each other with learning & community. BTW, the snacks & lunch are fantastic too😊  

The agenda is attached, and we would LOVE to see you & Vancouver represented at the workshop. Early bird rates for GN members, and also non-GN members are listed. These rates end soon so please register, and we really look forward to seeing you.   Registration form Link    

It is worth 2 CE points with CSNM. If any questions, please reach out.

Suzanne Quiring
BC Chair of the Gerontology Network of DC