Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Reminder: PSNM Meeting - February 27

Details of PSNM February meeting as follow:

Date:  Thursday Feb. 27th, 2020 
Time:  8:45 am start to 11:00 end for a plant tour/tasting/meeting at Intercity Packers. 
CSNM Education Pts: Competency #3 (Nutrition & Healthy Living) = 1pt.
1900 No. 6 Road
Richmond, BC V6V 1W3

Kindly RSVP me if you plan on attending @ jdcox@shaw.ca, before Feb 18, 2020


Please note below:

Please have your guests dress warmly and closed toed shoes.  We may have you change into our boots during the tour though.  I will need about 10 mins to show a slide show presentation about Intercity Packers and to answer any questions from your group.  We will have our chef Rob cook up some new health care items for you to try as well.

Parking is limited at our site, but perhaps you can car-pool.  We only have three spaces for visitors parking.