Saturday, March 30, 2019

Survey for Health Professionals 5-10 minutes

In May 2018, the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), a part of Provincial Health Services Authority, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, soft-launched two validated nutrition self-assessment tools: Nutri-eSTEP for toddlers and preschoolers ( ) , and Nutri-eSCREEN for adults 50+ ( ).

In order to raise awareness and uptake of the tools, BCCDC is undertaking a comprehensive dissemination strategy. The primary target audiences for this campaign are:
·        Parents and caregivers of toddlers (18-36 months) and preschoolers (3-5 years) (Nutri-eSTEP)
·        Adults over 50 (Nutri-eSCREEN)

Given the close proximity of healthcare providers with our target audiences, we are asking healthcare professionals to complete this 5-10 minute, anonymous survey to help us better understand what role healthcare providers see themselves having in raising awareness of these tools and what supports would be helpful in promoting the tools:

 If you are a healthcare provider, we would greatly appreciate your input by April 8th to inform our dissemination strategy. This survey is open to all healthcare professionals who work with the target audiences, so please feel free to share the survey link with your colleagues.

If you have any questions about the survey or tools, please contact Henry Lau at

About the tools
Nutri-eSTEP and Nutri-eSCREEN, which were originally developed by the University of Guelph and Dietitians of Canada, are free, online, nutrition self-assessment tools intended to support families and caregivers in assessing the eating habits of toddlers, preschoolers and older adults. Users answer 14-17 questions and receive personalized feedback around what they’re doing well and ideas for action in areas where they may need extra help. The feedback includes nutrition resources available in BC to support healthy eating habits, and users can print and share the results with their healthcare provider.