Friday, March 31, 2023

Webinar - Recent insinghts into omega-3 fatty acid regulation of adipose tissue metabolism.


 Date: Friday, April 14, 2023 

Time: 12:00 - 13:00 pm ET

"Recent insights into omega-3 fatty acid regulation of adipose tissue metabolism"
by Carla Taylor, PhD (University of Manitoba) and Mandana Pahlavani, PhD (Texas Women's University)

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (N3-PUFA) are widely recognized for their roles in reducing disease risks and promoting cardiometabolic health. Adipose tissues are one of the major sites in which N3-PUFA exert their beneficial effects by modulating signalling pathways, adipokine production, inflammation, and energy expenditure. The objective of this webinar is to provide attendees with recent insights regarding the roles of different N3-PUFA in brown and white adipose tissues, and how these important fatty acids can improve cardiometabolic health. 
Learning Objectives:
  • Highlight new knowledge regarding N3-PUFA regulation of brown and white adipose tissue functions
  • Demonstrate that N3-PUFA can improve cardiometabolic risks through the modulation of lipid handling, adipokine production, and energy expenditure, amongst other pathways. 
  • Provide updates of the shared and distinct roles of different N3-PUFA in adipose tissues
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