Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Langara College: Pathway Program to UBC Nutrition and Dietetics
We are very excited to announce that Langara's Food Nutrition and Health Transfer Program has completed all the required approvals and is now the only Pathway program to UBC's Food, Nutrition and Health Major. From there, students can either continue their studies in Nutrition or apply to the Dietetics program.
The Food, Nutrition and Health Transfer Diploma is a second year entry program, that requires that students maintain a high academic standing, as well as demonstrate their interest in Nutrition . Graduation with the Diploma in Food, Nutrition and Health Transfer will result in their application to UBC's Food, Nutrition and Health Major being automatically accepted.
For more information - see the website at Langara's Food Nutrition and Health Transfer Program and select the summer 2019 option under Admission Criteria and Program Curriculum.
Questions: Contact Monica Molag at mmolag@langara.ca
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